
Women often have a really hard time with receiving. They have a hard time being seen, being celebrated, being appreciated - even on their birthdays or in big accomplishments.

Something happens when energy comes towards us to receive, it’s almost like we begin to deflect if before it fully arrives, or we grasp it + rush through it, + then tuck it aside, hiding our receiving away. Dismissing it even.

A client recently shared that it felt scary to open up + let something / someone in.

You ever felt that way too?

Probably because it is scary to open, or rather, to be vulnerable. Because if you’re human you’ve likely been hurt, disappointed, or betrayed by another human.

So, receiving is a practice. It’s a way of being. It is to be given something + to welcome it. To allow it in.

To truly, deeply receive we need to be present. Which requires slowing down. When we surrender the doing it opens us to feel more fully what is here now.

Many people I know don’t like slowing down. We can have a lot of resistance or judgement toward slowness.

Yet slowing down is really the act of paying attention.

When we pay attention, the experience, the gift, even the giving, can penetrate so much deeper to our core if we dare to let it.

And when something touches us deeply, we move differently.

One of the most wonderful things about nature is that it does this so beautifully— it slows us down, it opens us, it brings us into the present + can touch us deeply.

The more time we spend in nature, the more we remember our true nature. We become attuned to the language of the elements + we listen with our whole body.

If you feel overwhelmed + like you’re pushing too hard, maybe it’s a call to return to the wild— the wild natural places that remind you of your own organic rhythms.

Nature is a perfect place to practice receiving, to practice opening, to practice listening.


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