Every single one of us is walking a unique path.
Some of us are clearer than ever on our purpose and intentions.
Many of us are struggling, tangled in the weeds of unresolved pain, grief, patterns and addictions.
Others of us are shuffling back and forth between clarity and confusion, ease and overwhelm, intentionality and distraction.
And there are hundreds and thousands more in an infinite range of feelings, experiences and possibilities.
Being human is a workout at every level if anyone is paying attention.
I’m constantly reminded that there is so much more going on behind the scenes in people’s lives than we generally will ever know.
Big, intense, challenging things.
Heartbreaking things.
Everyday things that in the moment just feel like too much.
Every single one of us holds a humble power that could offer deep benefit if we’re willing to activate it.
That power is kindness.
Benevolent. Helpful. Gentleness.
It’s so easy to get caught in our own position or suffering. But if we soften, just a little bit, if we practice paying attention, we might find that we can create connection and healing. For ourselves and others, through the simple potent act of kindness.
Maybe you’d like to join me in intentionally walking a path of amplified kindness now through the end of the year? (now & forever?)
We are all more powerful than we know. Let’s use that power for good.
Be kind. You have no idea how far your smile, your hand, your help, your understanding might go.
We really don’t need more stuff. We need more hearts, awake, open and connected to each other.