Choice & the Path Less Traveled
It was 2009. I had a choice to make.
I’d just come out of 3 intensive years inside a system. A system designed to train me, cultivate my capacities, & deliver me into the world as a mental health professional. I had just graduated with a masters degree in Somatic Psychology.
You’d think I was elated, excited, expanded...
Yet, while my friends & family congratulated me, proud of my “accomplishment,” I was thinking to myself, "I’m not there yet."
I had just completed a 10 year goal. Yet I was unfulfilled. That ever happen to you?
I wasn’t disappointed I just efforted to the top of this academic mountain, I was proud of that. I was proud of myself for staying the course & going all in on what I felt deeply called to know. But, the completion of the journey did not feel like an arrival.
Something in my soul was saying: "There is more to your mission than this.”
"This” meaning, the systemic path of burn out, of boxes, rules, & requirements, of external determinants of internal worth.
The choice waiting for me was to go from one system directly into another, to earn my title & professionalism. Or not.
Now to be clear, I highly value the accountability of commitment, of time invested, of direct experiences that turn knowledge into wisdom.
But I was in a crisis of questioning. What was the path forward that would not only fulfill my call to service, but also honor my soul?
As you might have guessed, I chose the detour. I went for the road less travelled. I used my questions as a map.
I doubled down on learning to trust myself rather than all the rules & voices spinning around me about how & what I should do.
I wandered through the wilds of possibility, navigated the cliffs of self doubt, & discovered new territory within me & around me.
I built a business—following my creativity, intuition & soul. I served. I created. I listened. I expanded. I said yes to what was coming through me and I grew.
But, a funny thing about life…patterns repeat. Teachings disguised as challenges have us polishing the diamond of our unique medicine. Helping us see ourselves & why we are here, in all our unique light, quirks, & grace.
I am in another turn of the learning spiral. Leaving a system I’m thankful for but does not serve or resonate with who I am, where I’m going, & what I stand for.
(To be clear: I am a stand for soul alignment, creative freedom, deep self trust, & embodied authenticity.)
If you are in a place of questioning; If a choice is before you; Drop down deep into your body. Feel the rhythm of your authentic truth, Let that be the compass you follow, rather than all the maps you’ve collected from other peoples journeys along the way.
We are living at the leading edge of evolution. We are here to forge a new trajectory. Our time is now.
I believe in the deep pulse guiding us from within. If I can walk this path. So can you.