
Rituals are those intentional repetitious actions in our lives. They are the things we do regularly that are imbued with meaning, that make space for our Soul Self to come through. They create an opening in space + time, for presence, for connection, for the Divine.

Habits on the other had are often unconscious repetitive patterns. Our day is full of them, it’s how we get shit done. And even though we may be doing them for a reason, we often are disconnected from their deeper purpose.

When we feel stagnant or uninspired, lacking motivation or inspiration, a good place to initiate a shift is with our own daily habits.

Take a look at those repetitive patterns you engage in everyday. Evaluate which ones give you pleasure, which ones bring you more presence, which ones open you up.

Then turn one of them into a Ritual. Begin to approach that habit as a sacred act for accessing pleasure, space, connection. Become mindful + intentional in such a way that a mundane, everyday moment might feed you in a new way.

Often when we’re busy or overwhelmed, we can’t take on one more thing. Ritual is an opportunity to bring presence, attention, connection to what’s already happening. It becomes less of “doing more” and more of an “opening to what’s already here.”

Pick one of your habit patterns + maybe for the next 7 days make it a Ritual. Play with the possibility that this daily do of yours could be a sacred act of conscious connection to call Soul + Source into your life.

And if the talk of Divine things feels too grandiose, at the very least it could ignite a deeper sense of meaning + purpose. Either way, it’s an opening to something good.

Some of my current and ongoing rituals:

📿 Reading a prayer or poem that calls me into Divine Alignment upon waking.

🍋 Going outside in the AM to pick fresh lemons from my tree for 🍋💧(Savoring & celebrating the 🌎 as I do).

🕯Lighting candles as an intentional invocation of ✨light✨ in myself, my life + the 🌎.

🧘🏻‍♀️ Heart clearing meditation.

⭕️ Circling with women.

Your turn. What are some rituals that feed you? Now, or that you wanna bring to life?


Choice & the Path Less Traveled


Nature Heals