I’m so glad you’re here and so excited we get to tune into the body, connect with our values, and explore making choices that are rooted in both!
This page has the whole experience for you. You could make an afternoon of it, or you could take your time over the coming days as each email comes to you. Everything you need is here, so choose your path and commit to go all in.
What People Are Saying
“I was seeking clarity and what I got was a deeper sense of presence and trust in myself. This has led to choices that feel organic and authentic.”
— Marie | Kauai
“ A softening and opening is occurring. I am utilizing the tools to recognize my edges, to discern and feel into things, feel what is authentic on a bodily and emotional level.”
— Manisha | Kauai
This exercise is an invitation to practice paying attention to how you are organized within space. With practice comes deeper connection, responsiveness and discernment. In this guided exploration we go through the following 4 layers:
Length - Feeling our uprightness, our sense of self in relationship to earth and sky. Finding presence as we stand on the earth.
Width - Noticing our capacity to expand outward and connect to the living beings, energies and experiences around us.
Depth - The experience of resting into our back body, trusting our depth, and connecting to support— the support of our ancestors, our teachers, and the lineages that have shaped and informed who we are.
Center - A return to the pico and the origin point of our energy and life, the organizing principal of who we are.
A reminder that embodiment work is all about direct experience. Your participation is the portal to feeling & noticing what this touches, moves and awakens within you. This audio is 25 minutes, be sure to set aside some time where you can drop in. Afterward take a few minutes to journal anything that came up for you.
“The human body is river of intelligence, energy and information that is constantly renewing itself in every second of its existence.”
- Deepak Chopra
Values are our deeply held beliefs. They are how we align ourselves in relation to others and the world around us. Yet, despite how fundamental these values are to who we are and how we show up in the world, we don’t generally make it a practice to check in on them and re-align, body-mind-value, all that often. So here is a chance to explore and rediscover what matters most to you and how these values literally move you into your life.
“A highly developed values system is like a compass. It serves as a guide to point you in the right direction when you are lost.”
- Idowu Koyenikan
Values are our deeply held beliefs. They are how we align ourselves in relation to others and the world around us. Yet, despite how fundamental these values are to who we are and how we show up in the world, we don’t generally make it a practice to check in on them and re-align, body-mind-value, all that often. So here is a chance to explore and rediscover what matters most to you and how these values literally move you into your life.
The Embodied Alignment Experience
We exist in a world of technology and information, with an emphasis on doing and consuming, rather than feeling and being. I live, work, and create from the embodied understanding that turning toward ourselves and aligning with our center is a radical act of personal empowerment.
The Embodied Alignment Experience is an invitation to turn inward, so that you can connect and make choices in a new way. Together we’ll tap into an embodied sense of presence, we’ll align with and embody our deep values, and we’ll learn how to make decisions from our innate intelligence rather than just logic and reason.
Join me!
Your time and energy is sacred and respected, so I want to be clear about what you can expect from this experience and from me going forward.
In the next 10 days you will receive 5 emails that invite you to fully participate in The Embodied Alignment Experience.
Part one we will connect with our dynamic and embodied self through an experiential orientation and alignment practice (1 email).
Part two is a two part lesson on Values, connecting brain and body around what truly matters most and how we live into it (2 emails).
Part three is a somatic practice that helps us to discern our innate intelligence and make choices that are in alignment with our deeper truths (1 email).
Part four is an invitation to continue your Embodiment Experience and shares the different ways we can work together.
After that, emails will be far less frequent. The rhythm tends to be about once a month unless there is a unique offering, series, or experience I want to share with you (generally a few times a year).
My intention is to build a foundation of trust and connection with you by providing genuine value. Your response is always welcome, as I hope this feels like an ongoing conversation we are engaged in together.