First Name
Last Name
What is your specific focus and intention for our time together?
Share more about why this is an important area to focus on right now?
What has shifted, changed, or revealed itself since we last worked together?
What do you really want to actualize in yourself and your life? What does your soul deeply desire?
Currently what conditioned patterns, beliefs, behaviors seem to be your biggest challenge keeping you from what you really want to create for yourself and your life?
What patterns play out or obstacles arise when these challenges come up?
What has recently moved you closer to your desires? What specifically seems to be blocking your way?
What's your relationship to your body like right now? What practices or tools are you using to support your body?
What is bringing you alive, igniting joy, sparking interest, or lighting you up right now?
What are you committed to embodying, claiming, or creating through this work?
On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being maximum level) how stressed are you day to day? What is contributing to this current level of stress?
How you do usually react when things get stressful, confronting or difficult for you?
When and if this comes up during our time together, how would you most like to deal constructively with it?
Is there anything else you would like me to know before we begin?
Birth Time
Birth Place
Declaration of Personal Sovereignty
I accept full responsibility for my health - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or otherwise. I acknowledge that by enrolling in any single session, series, or program with Tulasi, I am fully sovereign and in complete control of any and all life changing effects that may or may not occur. I understand that her recommendations are based on her somatic and psychological training, and intuitive perception, but in no way claim to cure or replace my own intuition or primary medical support. I understand that her work is meant to be a supplement to the care of my primary care provider and any other professional services I engage in. I understand that by agreeing to this work I am entering a holistic and synergistic container for my healing.
I have read the above and agree to accept full responsibility for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
I accept.
I do not accept.