First Name
Last Name
What are three words to describe the outcome or impact of our work together?
What are three words to describe your experience of me as mentor?
What challenges or issues were you dealing with before our work began? How do you feel about those issues now?
What was the turning point for you? What got you unstuck?
What do you wish there'd been more of in our work together? Less of?
What positive changes have you noticed in your life as a result of making a commitment to yourself through this work?
What do you now know or believe about yourself (life, love, others) that you didn't before?
How are you moving forward differently? What do you now see as possible that wasn't available before?
How would your rate the systems in place to streamline scheduling, session preparation, feedback, communication and so forth?
Would you recommend this experience to a friend? If so, what would you say to them about your overall experience and outcome of our work together? If not, why not?
Is there anything else you would like me to know about our work together and how it impacted you?