Embodied Awakening

An invitation to know, love, and trust our bodies and ourselves as one of our greatest resources in navigating life on this planet.

Navigating through life in a woman's body is no easy feat in the modern world.

We are living in the age of information which, as great as it may be to have access to so many ideas, studies and opinions, is overwhelming our bodies and minds with external noise. That noise is filled with immeasurable pressure and ideas about how, or who, or what we (you or I) "should" be. That noise is zapping our energy, stealing our clarity and costing us the power to intuitively decide what's right for us and actually thrive as women plugged in to source and center.

And the biggest problem is, we've dutifully subscribed to the noise.

We stopped listening to the wisdom within and started internalized voices that weren't our own.

We let the noise "out there" become the authority on who we actually are and who we are meant to be. We suffer the consequences of inner conflict, self doubt and discontent. We fail to step into our callings, honor our real gifts and share our heART, ultimately costing our families, communities and planet the creativity and healing it so desperately needs.

They say:

*Look good.Act like a lady.Don't be a bitch.But don't be too nice.Be sexy.But not too sexy.Don't be too loud.Bepolite. Don't be too crazy or passionate or wild. Be reasonable. Play nice. Keep your legs crossed.Follow the rules.This is how you get a man,a job,a "successful" life.***Inside you hear:***Am I enough?Am I too much?I want to feel good, but am I worthy?I'm hungry for more, but what is that exactly? I feel all these feelings, am I crazy?I keep going round and round in circles, are "they" right?I feel like I'm here for a reason, do I have what it takes to bring it to life?Am I courageous enough to go my own way?*Between the noise out there and the self doubt inside it's no wonder women feel overwhelmed, burnt out and disconnected as they strive to keep up. I haven't yet met a woman who hasn't navigated the territory of negotiating her enough-ness or her (too) much-ness. We're so sure we are deficient in some way, and are equally terrified of our full range and capacity, that we spend our money, time and energy wrapped up in trying to "fix" and moderate ourselves.But you, we, the women of the world, aren't the problem to be fixed,we are a great garden longing to be nourished and cultivated.And in so doing, we...revitalize ourselves, fortify our families, heal our communities, feed a sick culture, and deeply nourish a suffering world.Awake. Embodied. Women. We are the answer. Embodied Awakening is about listening in to the subtle, yet substantial, wisdom waiting for our attention. It is about honoring our own deep impulses and natural rhythms. It is about responding to old wounds with nourishment and tenderness. It is about remembering the power of our own presence and the extraordinary vitality that lives within. It is about listening deep beneath the surface layers of our life, into the core of who we are so we can activate & actualize our potential. We are a culture that has been uprooted from our source. We've been disconnected from the rich wisdom of BODY. We've been separated from our deep relationship to spirit- the spirit that beats our hearts and breathes our lungs and moves our limbs.And it's time to come back home to soul, center and source.

If you have ever walked through a day in your life thinking, "there is so much more to me, to life, than this." You're right. Your inner compass has been guiding you to turn the feminine wisdom on high so that your dynamic embodied presence is far stronger than all the noise out there combined.

Embodied Awakening is the way back home.This is a foundational, transformative course for any woman wanting to access and (re)awaken her inner authority and turn on the power of her presence. Here we celebrate your is-ness, your unique voice, your authentic expression, your beautiful amazing body and all the wisdom it holds. This course connects you to life long resources that will feed your courage and clarity so you can begin making meaningful choices, and take empowered action from a place of authentic personal truth.

It's time to inhabit ourselves fully and express our truth freely.Waking women are here to elevate themselves and the world.  Are you ready to enter the temple & cultivate the sanctuary of YOU?

Focusing on You


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If you face your flaws, you’ll notice the change.

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Start a new relationship with yourself now.